Belen Gualcho


Country: Honduras
Region: Belen Gualcho, Ocotepeque 
Elevation: 1,400 - 1,700 masl 
Process: Wet Washed
Varietals: Paca & Caturra
Farmer: Group of 7 small holder farmers
Farm: 7 farms

Belen Gualcho in the department of Ocopetepeque is a small village of about 16k people and is a jewel in the middle of the Honduran mountains. The highlights of the village are the colonial church of la Trinidad and the Sunday market where the Lenca people come to buy basic supplies and necessities. As part of Finca Terrerito's approach to connect farmers with roasters, they purchased from a group of 7 farmers that on average have 1 to 2 acres per farmer. One of the farmers, Jesus Mata, heard about Finca T and how they treated farmers fairly and helped the community. He made the trip over to Finca T and introduced himself. After they cupped, and liked the samples, Finca T's Farm Director, Marcial, went up to Belen to see their operations and verify if they used sustainable practices. Their goal is to find a home for the coffees they purchased to continue to work with those farmers and neighbors in the future. 
