Bunum Wo


Region: Wahgi Valley, Western Highlands 
Producer: Sigri Estate 
Varietals: Peaberry
Soil Type: Volcanic
Shade Trees:Albiza, Casuarina, Old-growth trees
Rainfalls Year: 2200mm
Ave Temp: 24°C
Crop Period: April to October
Process: Washed
Notes: Mint, Sweet Tobacco, Root Beer

All coffee bearing the Sigri name is grown at over 5000 feet elevation. Sigri considers soil and water conservation a priority, and the plantation is bird and eco-friendly. The plantation employs a medium density shade strategy, using two types of shade trees. This promotes even ripening of coffee cherries and provides habitat for at least 90 species of birds.
Sigri is a washed Arabica coffee and undergoes a rigorous wet factory process. Quality Control begins in the field; Cherry coffee is hand-picked and carefully checked for uniformity; it must be red and fully ripe which allows for the correct balance of sugar and acid within the cherry. This selected cherry is then pulped on the day of picking.
A fermentation process follows, a period of three days broken every 24 hours by washing – but unlike most other coffees, the Sigri process follows this by total immersion in water for a further day, which creates a superior coffee. Careful conditioning of 21 days is followed by hulling, grading, color sorting and finally hand sorting. This, combined with rigorous quality control before packing, produces one of the best coffees from Papua New Guinea.
All grades are continuously sample-roasted and cupped both at the estate level and by our quality control team in Chicago. This provides a final check on the green bean quality during processing, before shipment, and upon landing at our US warehouses.
Our choice for iced coffee. With Earl Grey meeting savory bell pepper and piped tobacco, it’s surprising and tea like. Earthy and richly sweet, with taste notes like Root beer and dark cherry fruit with a slight mint finish.  

Benchmark Coffee Traders
Benchmark Coffee Traders distributes top grade green coffees from Papua New Guinea. We have direct ties with coffee producers in Papua New Guinea and we work closely with these producers to bring their beautiful green coffees to specialty coffee roasters in America. We support a strong social agenda that benefits the thousands of coffee farmers and pickers who work tirelessly to produce these unique coffees.
Benchmark also maintains relationships with coffee producers from Peru, Costa Rica, Yemen, Nicaragua, and Honduras. As we work with roasters who value ethical sourcing, we are always happy to help connect roasters with our other producer-partners.  These coffees are available on a rotating basis.
