Las Marias

Region: Santa Rosa 
Producer:  San Luis el Vulcancito
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1300m
Varietals: Caturra Process: Washed
Notes: Milk Chocolate, Tangerine, Toasted Pine Nut ​

Bean/Lot Info
Las Marías lot: One of our richest and most picturesque lots, as it sits on the skirts of our volcano and is home to one of our Ceibas (the Guatemalan national tree.)  There's just something about being on this lot that makes you feel like one with nature, adding a little extra allure to its cup. 

The farmer’s daughter explains this wonderful coffee as “a hug on your tongue”. It’s light and something you can easily sip on all day. Simply put, it’s the answer to your regular everyday coffee drinking needs. You might find notes of Milk Chocolate, Tangerine, Toasted pine nut, and nectarine.

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Coffee has been running through our family's veins for quite some time.  The farmer's two girls (Dos Niñas), are the fourth generation of farmers at Finca San Luis El Volcancito.  The farmer, John, passionately runs our farm and oversees the day to day activities in Guatemala.
Some of our fondest childhood memories took place surrounded by coffee plants.  For us, the farm feels like home and family.  We decided that we wanted to expand our family business, and spread our love and passion for coffee.  And so, Dos Niñas Coffee Importers was born.  We are proud to expand our father's hard work, and to distribute our quality coffee directly from the farm to you. 
Dos Niñas Coffee, as you may have guessed, is centered around two girls.  The Schippers sisters spent much of their childhood in the picturesque Guatemalan Countryside on their family's farm, Finca San Luis El Volcancito. Now living stateside, the two girls have dedicated themselves to the work of introducing roasters across the US to the exceptional coffee the Schippers family has been producing for four generations.  

Family means everything to us.  Our parents have always instilled in us a sense of unity, respect and the strength of the family bond. This will forever remain ingrained in us, and is the cornerstone of Dos Niñas Coffee Importers.  We were taught to treat the greater community around us as family.  To us, family means unconditional love, looking out for each other, and working together to achieve far beyond what we could do on our own.  The specialty coffee industry has become an extended family to us, and we are always eager to add new members.  We cannot wait to share a cup, and make you feel at home with us!

The Farm
Nestled in between the Guatemalan mountains, Finca San Luis El Volcancito resides in Pueblo Nuevo Viñas, in the region of Santa Rosa.  The farm's origins date back to 1881, with our family buying the land in 1998.  
Our product grows on extremely fertile land thanks to the farm's own private volcano.  From its seedling stage in the nursery, to its last drying step in our patios or beneficio, the coffee is cared for with great attention to detail.  We know that it's the little details that make the difference. We take pride in our coffee's quality and in complete traceability within the process.  You can rest assured that we will walk you through the coffee's journey every step of the way.  

Our father always says: "If you're going to do something, do it right or don't do it at all." Everyday, we strive to produce the best coffee possible. We know what a difference the little details make.  We understand how important quality is to you. Our coffee begins as seedlings of only the highest quality varieties.  After months of careful rearing in our nursery, it is planted in the rich volcanic soil of San Luis.  At harvest, each cherry is picked by expert pickers at the peak of ripeness.  All coffee is processed at our on-site beneficio, equipped with newly tiled fermentation tanks for superior clarity.  We are constantly innovating, working hard to push the boundaries of quality so that you can enjoy our coffee at its finest.

Giving Back.

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The Church.

The church was already standing when we purchased the farm.  Since then, we have completely renovated its interior, bought new pews, a new Bible, and every year we organize our "posada." The goal: expand personnel for a priest, restore the bell, maintain the building in good shape. ​


We are not only committed to producing great coffee, but also to making a change in our community.  The farm is home to 11 families, who are also the farm workers.  As part of giving back to our coffee community, we provide each family with land for their personal crop, a school for the children, and a church.  We are also in the process of building each family a cinder block house.  With your business, you can help us give back to our coffee family. 


The School.

Normally, most of the children would be working alongside their parents, traveling many miles by foot to make it to school.  We believe education is the foundation for progress, and our children are the future.  So, in 2014, we built a new cinder block school for our kids.  2015 saw the first graduating class come through.  
Currently, the school supports pre-kinder through the 6th grade. The goal: expand the building and gain personnel in order to add a high school and complete the children's education. 

The Houses.

In August 2015, we decided to improve everyone's households. This means sturdier materials of construction (cinder block), complete bathrooms, more living space, a fireplace, and more. We have completed two of these houses.  The goal: to provide everyone with a new and improved house for them to come home to after a long day's work on the fields.